"Raising the Stepkids (overview)" Raising those 4 kids was a real trip. I was married to their father for 8 years. We got custody abruptly because of neglect and abuse by their mother. The oldest was 9 and the youngest 3, and we'd been married less than a year when I went from mother of zero to mother of four overnight. "Chris" was a real comedian. At 9 years old (third grade) he already outweighed me. By the time of the divorce he was over 450 pounds (that was a high as the scale went at the bariatric specialist). Their mother was part Polynesian, so Chris looked like a classic Samoan. Even with all his weight, he was quite athletic. All the kids took karate a couple of years later, and Chris could do side kicks head high. Because of his weight, he had to compete with the adults--at age eleven! "Renee", the oldest girl (one year behind Chris), looked like an Indian princess--long straight dark hair and a natural tan. "Anne", at five, had curly light brown hair and dimples (folks always said, "oh this one takes after you"). She was a natural chameleon, she could fit in anywhere. I think she would also make a natural con artist--that girl could be thrown in a ditch and come up with diamonds in her teeth. The youngest, "Bobby", at three years old, was a total charmer. Curly blond hair, dimples, big blue eyes with the longest eyelashes I've ever seen (folks always thought he took after me too--it must be the dimples!). He loved to clomp around in his little cowboy boots. Their dad had some Cherokee somewhere in his ancestry--showing up mainly in his long-waisted physique. He was one of those kids that was towheaded till his teens, when his hair abruptly turned coal black. The first date that I had with their dad where he brought the kids along, Bobby climbed up in my lap and said "will you be my mommy?" He and Anne fought over who got to sit next to me. Renee was stand offish and stuck by her father. Chris didn't care where he sat, as long as he got to eat. c. 2008, B. Riley