Tiny Kim Her family name was Kweson but she never thinks of them they sold her to the circus where she starred as Tiny Kim She danced along the high wire and paraded with the clowns with a smile bright as her spangles till she came crashing down The downfall left her limping with a ringing in her ears but at least it hides the silence once filled with children's cheers With love, her circus family would've found her a new place but she couldn't stand the pity she saw on every face Now she fills in at the news stand and at the corner store when owners have to take a break Tiny Kim will man the door She smiles and waves at babies as they go passing by and when they laugh and clap their hands she feels she still can fly Noone here knows the story of how she got this way but they forget her size and limp when her smile lights up their day c. 8/20/09, B. Riley