R-R-Ralph He wanders round the outskirts with a dustpan and a sack scooping pavement pancakes to sling across his back He scrapes up cats and rabbits and dogs and squirrels and such the locals think he's crazy but don't think of him much Those who've tried to greet him know his answer is the same no matter what the question "R-R-Ralph is my name" The children laugh about him with jokes of roadkill stew but what he does with dead things they haven't got a clue He trudges round the greenbelt till he finds the perfect spot some days it is easy and some days it is not He digs a hole the perfect size and gently lays them there and as he covers them with earth he mumbles a soft prayer For the wild ones are his mission tho' they may die alone he's promised he will find them and always bring them home c. 8/19/09, B. Riley