Don Henry You can hear Don Henry coming by the jingling of his keys it's a nervous affectation that's part of his OCD He checks the bank's computers and several other sites he's not much good with people he thinks in bits and bytes Head down, he walks and mutters off to each job and back his roadmap is the sidewalk he knows each bump and crack He never reads the street signs or looks folks in the eyes when Tiny Kim smiled up at him it took him by surprise Don's used to knowing people by their voices and their shoes he never thought a pixie girl would stand right in his view When she gave his change in nickels and whispered with a wink "they'll make a pretty jingle" he felt his face turn pink As he hurried off to work her words stayed in his mind he couldn't say her tone of voice was anything but kind Then for the first time in his life as he juggled password files his pocket nickels jingled and Don Henry cracked a smile Now he waits to buy his paper when Kim is in the stand and he's learning not to flinch when she drops nickels in his hand Don Henry's started healing more than Kim will ever know she's weaning him to people and some day he'll say hello c. 9/11/09, B. Riley