Eleven to Twenty the secret's out should be safer all in school no more sitters snuff dipping mammy Aunt Jemima clone gone gone gone new young maids do light housekeeping no threat there never alone now not with strangers not with mom that is safer dad is safe grandma is safe school is safe mom is smart punishment is subtle knows what hurts she's always there new school transfer mom teaches there suddenly new clothes can't embarrass her students love her think she's great they don't know mom still controls but not all my brain soars winning prizes everywhere top student math top student debate most outstanding student awards pile up from the university from the governor medals and scholarships then the ultimate telegram from Nixon trip to Washington in the limelight mom must behave at least publicly pretend she cares pretend she's proud doesn't fool me she's still jealous hope still lives escape is near college means freedom freedom from mom move to grandma's walk to college earning a paycheck mom's influence lingers she tells me "you'll never marry" and I believe when he asks I say yes what a mistake last minute confessions accepted without question a dissociated bride drifting through events choices not hers no romance there honeymoon at grandma's c. 12/2008